PAHHC Handheld Electronics Page

last updated 4/1/2024

Announcing PPC Archive 2.45:


(With roughly 1,500 new pages overall):

o   Section 1: 65 Notes/PPC Journal/PPC Calculator Journal/ plus 1,354 Scannable HP-41 program/barcode files (13,723 pages)

o      Section 2: PPC ROM Manual / Computer Journal of PPC / CHHU Chronicle/ HPX Exchange / HP65 Users' News / HP65 Key Note / U.S. & European HP Key Notes / HP Journal Articles (6,337 pages)

o      Section 3: Handheld and Portable Computer Club's 39 Years of Datafile 1982-2021 (212 issues, 7,851 pages)

·       Now including 352 Scannable HP-41 program/barcode files from Volumes 1 through 37

·       Also including the HPCC Datafile Index for Volumes 1-37: An index of 4819 entries indexed five ways (by issue, item title, author, document type and calculator model)

o      Section 4: New Zealand Newsletters, Australian Newsletters & Handhelds Conference Proceedings 1979-2022   (23,280 pages)

·       Including The Conference Index: An index of all 1560 entries in all 64 conferences indexed five ways (by conference, item title, author, document type and calculator model)

·       Including an archive of the HP Solve Newsletter, issues 1 to 33 (2008-2014)

·       Also including the HP Solve Newsletter Index: An index of all 300 entries in the 33 issues indexed five ways (by issue, item title, author, document type and calculator model)

o   An EduCALC Catalog Library: Almost all EduCALC catalog issues,  Catalog Indexes, Technical Notes, Newsline transcripts and other materials totaling 6492 pages

o   HP-Related Miscellaneous Materials: 1438 various documents related to HP calculators totaling 16,580 pages



The Video is Now Available from the HP Conference in San Jose, California (9/29-30/2018)


Check out the reference calculator keyboard metrics for the HP Solve Newsletter Article

"Tweaking the HP42S"

HP Calculator-Related Articles by Jake Schwartz:




Presentation Slides (if any)


HHC1995 Conference (Minneapolis, MN)

The Vertical Format Calc User Interface



HHC1998 Conference (Vancouver, WA)

The PPC CD Set: A Work in Progress



HHC1999 Conference (Vancouver, WA)

The PPC CD Set: An Update



HHC2000 Conference (Los Angeles, CA)

A Survey of HP Numeric Keypads

Numeric Keypad Images (3 MB)


HHC2001 Conference (Chicago, IL)

The HP49/49 Emulator on the Jornada



HPCC2002 Conference (London)

Information Sources for HP Handhelds (10 MB)



HHC2003 Conference (Newport Beach, CA)

PPC CD4: Australian Pubs and US Conf Proceedings



HHC2004 Conference (San Jose, CA)

Proper Keyboards and Attachable Overlays

HHC2004 Slides (13 MB)


HHC2005 Conference (Chicago, IL)

The HPCC Datafile CD V3, plus Acrobat Suggestions



HHC2006 Conference (San Jose, CA)

Twenty Years of HP Videos

HHC2006 Slides (36 MB)


HHC2007 Conference (San Diego, CA)

Cupertino to Corvallis to Singapore to Melbourne to San Diego

HHC2007 Slides (15 MB)


HHC2007 Conference (San Diego, CA)

Soft Key Menus for the hp35S



HPCC Datafile V27N1 Article (2008)

Keyboard Clutter, Keystroke Counts & Calculator Menus

HP Keyboard Metrics Data


HPCC Datafile V27N2 Article (2008)

Optimizing the Calculator User Interface



HPCC Datafile V27N3 Article (2008)

The HP20b Calculator: A Missed Opportunity?



HHC2008 Conference (Corvallis, OR)

Improving Keystroke Efficiency in HP Financial Calculators

HHC2008 Slides (12MB)


HHC2009 Conference (Fort Collins, CO)

E-Ink, Haptic Touch and MEMS

HHC2009 Slides (5 MB)


HPCC Datafile V28N6 Article (2010)

HP30b Solver-Style Menus



HHC2010 Conference (Fort Collins, CO)

Might A Tablet Be the Ideal Platform/UI for a Highly Complex Calculator?

HHC2010 Slides (4 MB)


HHC2011 Conference (San Diego, CA)

An HP-16C/WP-34S Dictionary

HHC2011 Slides (2.2MB)


HHC2012 Conference (Nashville, TN)

WP-34S and the "HP Calculator Way" (slides) (3.4MB)



HHC2013 Conference (Fort Colling, CO)

Incorporating Readable PPC Journal HP41 Barcode in the PPC DVD  (slides / 5 MB)



HHC2014 Conference (Reno, NV)

Calculator Odds and Ends (slides / 6 MB)



HHC2015 Conference (Nashville, TN)

The WP43S: A Spec in Need of a Platform (slides / 3MB)



HHC2017 Conference (Nashville, TN)

EduCALC: A Look Back (slides / 9MB)


The HHC2008 HP Calculator Calendar for Year 2009

Read "Designing and Building A Computer Table" by Richard J. Nelson

Read "The Magna Spin Light Up UFO - Part I, The Top" by Richard J. Nelson

Read "Amateur Halo, Part I" by Richard J. Nelson

The PPC Calculator Archive:

A work in Progress since 1998

Announcing PPC Archive V2.45:

HP Handheld/Palmtop Event Videos Available

Going back as far as 1986 with the HP18C introduction

The HP Handhelds Conference

September 29-30, 2018 from San Jose, California

Now Available on 6 DVD Disks, 1 Disk or 6 Blu Ray Disks

HP16C Emulator Library for the HP48 Calculator

The entire HP16C plus a few extras running inside the '48

Available for a lower price on CD for downloading to RAM cards

Philadelphia Area HP Handheld Club (PAHHC) Historical Information

Articles covering its 22-year history

Hewlett-Packard and Handhelds Links

The latest and greatest, with some additional throw-ins

Check out with thousands of files