Video from Chicago HP Users Meeting / 1992 Summer CES Available
The Chicago Area CHIP Group held its annual special HP Handheld users' meeting in conjunction with the 1992 Summer Consumer Electronics Show on Friday, May 29th, 1992. A half dozen speakers talked on HP48 and HP95 topics. This meeting was videotaped, along with the CHIP Group's 9th annual Summer picnic and highlights from the CES show. The duration is 4 hours and 45 minutes.
This material is available on 2 DVDs for
$10.00, including postage or on a single disk for $10.00 including postage. Send a
check or Paypal ("")
Jake Schwartz
135 Saxby Terrace
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
856-751-1310 home
856-787-3582 work
Below are details:
A. 5/29/92 - CHIP Meeting at Ace Metal Crafts in Franklin Park, Ill.
1. Introductions
2. Bill Quinlan speaks on the Macintosh Powerbook in conjunction with the HP95 connectivity utilities and HP48 activities
3. Dave Goodman speaks on HP95 software products
4. Hal Goldstein (editor, Palmtop Paper) speaks on various HP95 topics, including HP95 battery usage and new Eveready AA-size lithium cells, distribution of free software with the Palmtop Paper, and the possibility of holding an HP95 conference in 1993.
5. Richard Nelson speaks on changes in the handheld computing world, on a fall 1993 calculator/palmtop combined conference in California, and future palmtop products.
6. Ted Dickens speaks on the latest activities on the HP Forum area of the Compuserve BBS, for which he is sysop. (HP95-related, mainly)
7. Michael Katz talks about the production process of CD ROM disks.
8. Jake Schwartz presents Rick Grevelle's machine-code HP48 library builder software (which runs on the calculator itself).
B. 5/28-30/92 Highlights from the 1992 Summer Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago
1. Overall shots
2. Panasonic digital compact cassette (DCC) booth
3. Thompson/RCA high definition television presentation ("Advanced Digital HDTV")
4. Philips DCC/CD-I/HDTV presentation
5. Panasonic wide-screen 16:9 aspect-ratio NTSC television
6. Panasonic DCC player closeups
7. Sharp Wizard display
8. Sharp active-matrix color LCD demos
C. 5/31/92 - shots from the 9th annual CHIP picnic. (Boats on Fox River, the picnic, barbecue, horseshoe pitching, cutting the CHIP birthday cake (the group is 16 years old)
D. Narrated transfer of 115 slides from the Consumer Electronics Show (last 40-45 minutes). Slides from Panasonic, Sharp, Casio, Toshiba, Sony, Aiwa, Apple, Tandy, Samsung, Motorola and Denon.