HPCC 2007

Handheld and Portable Computer Club's

Twenty-fifth Anniversary Conference

October 13-14, 2007 | Imperial College | London, England




HPCC 2007 Conference Presentations:




1. Bruce Horrocks & Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz Opening Remarks
2. Jake Schwartz The "Twenty-four Years of Datafile" CD
3. Hugh Steers "Formlua": A New Programming Environment for HP Calculators
4. Tony Duell Restoring an HP9820 Desktop Calculator
5. Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz HP Calculator and Club History
6. Meindert Kuipers The MLDL2000
7. Andreas Moller The TreeBrowser: Another Approach To Your Equation Library
8. Wlodek Mier-Jedrzejowicz Summarizes Eric Smith's Work on "DIY" RPN Calculators
9. Tony Duell Disassembles the HP9816 Desktop Calculator
10. Hugh Steers Demonstrates HP50g "Formlua" 1.01 Beta
11. Hugh Steers Programming on Early Casio Programmable Calculators
12. Bruce Horrocks A Proposed New "Voyager"-Class Scientific Calculator
13. Bruce Horrocks & Dave Culver Closing Remarks & The HP35 Anniversary Cake
The full (roughly 9-hour) conference,  recorded on 3 three-hour DVDs, is available for 
$15.00 (including shipping) 


****Also available on a single DVD in  format for $10.00****
(includes shipping anywhere)


100% digital-domain DVDs: The conference videos were shot on MiniDV tape, then edited by transferring via 
Firewire (IEEE1394) to a linear digital editor and saved onto full-sized DV tapes on a DV VCR with no signal loss. The 
video was then transferred via Firewire to the DVD recorder where the master disks were made. Copies are made from
the master DVDs by computer, bit-for-bit. 


Official PayPal Seal

Send a check to :			PayPal now available as well
Jake Schwartz				(email: jakes@pahhc.org)
135 Saxby Terrace
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 USA
         telephone:                      856-751-1310 home	
                                         856-359-1088 work


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